Thursday, November 26, 2009

Writing on Thanksgiving day

Words: 3,470
Time: 11:40 - 3:40 (1hr break)
Mood: relaxed
Impression: It's pretty good

Since it's thanksgiving day, I thought that I would start off with what I'm thankful for. I am thankful that for the past year I have been given the privilege of being able to spend my days writing and coming up with TV show ideas. It really is a privilege and this has been the most creatively productive year of my life.

I am also thankful for the fact that because of all of the people that I met this year, I have become a better, smarter, wiser person. I have also made great friends and had great experiences.

This morning I had to run and get the things that I am bringing to the thanksgiving dinner, so I didn't start writing until much later. But it seems that for the first time since I started writing this book, I will write all 5 days this week. It was assumed with my last book, but not so here. It's funny 2 days ago I was telling a friend how this will probably be the last book I write because of how hard it's been. But yesterday I woke up and asked myself the question 'what happens when a vampire dies?' Does he travel the afterlife looking for his soul?

My last book was about what happens when we die, so I think that is an interesting question to ask. I'm not into vampires, but it would be an interesting angle to explore. I had wanted this book to be 68,000 words. It is now 61,000 but it still has a little ways to go. But at this rate, I could be done in 2 weeks. That might not happen because I have to travel to the Bahamas for my brother's wedding, but it will be before the end of the year. Should I just quit writing afterwards? I don't know. It doesn't sound like me. :-)

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